Message from the Chair

I take this opportunity to thank ASRIC Secretariat for organizing and realizing the objectives of the Specialized Technical Advisory Body of the Commission. I congratulate the four Vice-Chairpersons responsible for specific programmes as stipulated in article 4 of the functions of ASRIC to address African research and serve as a forum to articulate continental scientific challenges.

The first conference which was held in Abuja, Nigeria from 27th — 29th November, 2018 brought together various eminent personalities from African national academies and other scientific communities of the AU Member States. The inauguration meeting served as a strong foundation for promoting the ambitious objectives of ASRIC. The enthusiastic congregation recognized the importance and urgency of utilizing the scientific community in solving the myriad problems that face our continent. Shared research finding, for example, was highlighted as one area which ASRIC must embrace to benefit human welfare within the continent. The inaugural Congress of ASRIC established its governance structures with clear and specific terms of reference. The engagement of eminent African Scientists and researchers will have a major impact on the AU policy organs. The role of ASRIC will further promote cohesion across continental networking, strong scientific exchanges, sustainable research engagements, and networking amongst Universities.

I wish to thank the Commissioner, the Secretariat, and members for the confidence they bestowed in me as their first Chairperson. Together as a team, I promise to serve ASRIC with diligence and enthusiasm. Thank you.

Prof. Ratemo W. Michieka